Publish walk is a record of my walk in the London Aldgate. It was inspired by Alison Baverstock's self-publishing quiz and The Practice of Everyday Life. So, this work has multiple but interconnected layers of meaning. I propose:
To walk is to reveal. Walking is a narrative linking street, places, private past, present and future, reality and fiction. Personal spatial stories are revealed and built up in the city.
To walk is to resist. Walking becomes conscious by reminding myself of the existence of time, space and self. To be mindful of the invisibility of everyday life is an act of resistance to the mundane.
To walk is to publish. Seven streets—Powell Way, Undershaft, Bury Street, Leadenhall Street, India Street, Scarborough Street, and Hooper Street—spell "publish." I use the city as my writing tool, echoing self-publishing's essence: daring to break free from existing meanings.